His lightest exercise: meat pieces cooked evenly and quickly. The meatweight of KÜCHENPROFI provides perfect results from the grill or from the pan. There is no longer a vestige, the times are gone, when the steak was still too bloody in the middle and dry at the edge. The accessories are made of robust stainless steel or cast iron and are well-handled and have a decent weight. With the model, which weighs 1 kg, you bring the XXL-Filet quite smoothly into shape.
- Height: 6.7 cm
- Ø: 18 cm
- Weight: 1,108 kg
- Material: cast iron
- Fast, even cooking
- For pan and grill

Küchenprofi GmbH & Co. KG
Höhscheider Weg 29
42699 Solingen
Küchenprofi GmbH & Co. KG
Höhscheider Weg 29
42699 Solingen