Make pasta yourself - over 80 international recipes and tips for the pasta workshop at home.
What do spaghetti makers and pasta forgers agree on? Home-made spaetzle, tagliatelle and co. simply taste the best! But how does the pasta dough work again and what trick is used to get the filling into the tortellini? The comprehensive service section explains the necessary ingredients and equipment, provides basic recipes for pasta dough and also shows you how to colour, flavour, shape and dry it. Then it's off to recipe fun! Whether filled, layered and baked or simply with a delicious sauce, whether ravioli with a herb and ricotta filling, hearty sauerkraut rolls or spaghetti with lemony courgette cream: you are spoilt for choice with over 90 international pasta specialities! Even if you don't have time to knead the dough, because most of the recipes also work with store-bought pasta. Perfect, because that way it won't be boring on the pasta plate either every day or on Sundays!
- from Cornelia Schinharl
- 128 pages, with approx. 100 colour photos.
- Format: 16.5 x 20 cm, hardcover
- ISBN: 978-3-8338-2260-5
- Publication date: September 2011

Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH
Grillparzerstr 12
81675 München
Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH
Grillparzerstr 12
81675 München