Really tasty and cooked to perfection - professional cooking made easy at home.
Simply deflate and cook in a water bath - one of the hot topics in trendy kitchens. With the Sous-vide kitchen guide from GU, the vacuum cooking method for highly flavoursome dishes is now easy even for inexperienced cooks. With fold-out step-by-step instructions on vacuuming and cooking in a water bath, you always have the most important basics at a glance. Practical information and tips, alternatives without special equipment and sure-fire instructions for lots of sophisticated and uncomplicated recipes make cooking meat, poultry, fish and vegetables under vacuum tastier and easier than ever! The flavours and texture of tender meat, the finest poultry, delicious fish and fresh vegetables develop to perfection in the absence of air and at moderate temperatures. Anyone who tries sous-vide cooked steak with chimichurri sauce, turkey breast with almond sauce or gently cooked red cabbage will hold their breath - with excitement!
- 64 pages, gatefold brochure

Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH
Grillparzerstr 12
81675 München
Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH
Grillparzerstr 12
81675 München