One pan is enough - plenty of variety, little effort and lots of flavour!
Cooking everything in a pan and being praised for it by your happy family and friends - that's really something new with the GU Kitchen Guide 1 Pan - 50 Recipes! In just 20, 40 or 60 minutes, depending on the recipe, vegetables, fish or meat, potatoes, pasta or polenta, and even sweets can be cooked to perfection: Fresh herbs, finely chopped onions, cheese or nuts - put them in the pan and the hob or oven will heat up such uncomplicated delicacies as meat loaf with leeks, Indian vegetable pancakes, Italian quesadillas, spaetzle with chestnuts, aubergine escalopes, chicken with pimientos or raspberry and lemon cake! Easy and feasible for everyone, even the inexperienced will succeed in this culinary liberation, because which pan is suitable, which kitchen gadgets offer the best support and how the pan dishes can be spruced up a little with fixed side dishes is explained clearly and practically at the same time. A direct hit!
- 64 pages, gatefold brochure
- with approx. 60 colour photos
Angelika Ilies has been working as a freelance author and food journalist for many years and has already written several successful cookery books for GU. She loves quick, uncomplicated cooking and likes to surprise her family with new creations, in which she often uses unusual ingredients and flavours to modify classic dishes.

Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH
Grillparzerstr 12
81675 München
Gräfe und Unzer Verlag GmbH
Grillparzerstr 12
81675 München