Macarons, eclairs and madeleines - trendy biscuits from France are conquering hobby bakeries around the world. There are no limits to the imagination here - countless flavours and ever new colour combinations, chicly wrapped in paper, crinkle cups or small gift boxes. This makes them real eye-catchers.
With the CakePop Baker, you can create uniform Christmas shapes in various designs: star, gingerbread man, Christmas tree
Number of motifs: star - 4x / gingerbread man - 6x / Christmas tree - 6x
Material: silicone
Baking is so easy: with eggs, butter, sugar and flour, you already have all the ingredients you need to bake cakes or biscuits. If you use more eggs and less flour, you get a delicious cake batter. With more flour and less egg, you can make shortcrust pastry for crispy biscuits. And at RBV Birkmann, we develop products that surprise, delight, enchant, inspire and, above all, succeed.

Birkmann RBV
Hegelstrasse 15
GmbH & Co.KG
33790 Halle
Birkmann RBV
Hegelstrasse 15
GmbH & Co.KG
33790 Halle